We offer both Sunday morning and weekday Bible studies. They cover a variety of topics designed for those just starting their faith journey as well as those who have been long-time disciples. Grab a cup of coffee and visit with one or more of these groups before deciding which is right for you! All are welcome to join any of our offered studies.

Sunday Bible Studies

Donuts & The Bible

Sunday | 9:45am 

SWAT (grades 6-12) meet in the Deep End. All youth are welcome to join us for this bible study, we’re currently discussing the book of Acts.

Adult Bible Study

Sunday | 9:45am | Room 214

Listen, learn, and enjoy lively discussion while expanding your spirituality. This group offers short-term studies, year-round, with each study facilitated by a different group member.


Sunday |   11am   | Room 213 

Beginning September 15th, every Sunday we will be using the book and DVD "The Call - Life and Message of the Apostle Paul" by Adam Hamilton. Future topics are "WHY - Making sense of God's Will" and " FAITHFUL - Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph."

Coffee and Conversation 

Sunday | 9:45am | Room 205

This class discusses modern day issues and current events, and examines the teachings of Jesus in light of them; meet year-round. 

Coming September 8th: "The Exodus Story", an online class from Hillsdale College

Weekday Bible Studies

Mens Bible Study

Thursdays  |  3:30pm  |  Room 205

A twelve-week men's Bible study of the Book of James will begin on Thursday, September 12th, and last until November 14th. Ed Bardi will facilitate this group using, "Book of James: Practical Wisdom" by Max Lucado. 

The Chosen 

TBD  |  TBD  |  TBD

We will be offering a new eight-week Bible study on “The Chosen” part 3 starting later this spring. We will not know the exact starting date until the study materials are available. As soon as we know the schedule, it will be announced in Epworth Church communications. In the meantime, anyone who has not participated in parts 1 and 2 but would like to join the part 3 Bible study can email Jamile Shibley at j.shibley@pm.me. Click here for more information or to watch previously released episodes you can check out the Angel Studios website.

Women's Bible Study 

Mondays  | 6:30pm | Room 214

Monday evening Women's Bible Study resumes Monday, September 9 at 6:30pm. During the past year, we studied parables and women of the New Testament, using the Life Guide and Life Change bible study series. Contact Lynn Bachelor (lynn.bachelor@gmail.com) or Michele Nixon (Michele.j.nixon@gmail.com) for more information or to suggest a future topic. 

Tuesdays  | 9:30am + 1:30pm | Room 205

We will be doing a ten-week study titled "Fruit of the Spirit, Cultivating a Heart for God". We look forward to a study that will help us to nurture and grow the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control in our lives. Copies of the study are available in the Women's Bible Study mailbox by Central Ave doors or contact Linda Pokrajac (lindapok@aol.com) for more information.