Check out our advertisement in the Toledo Blade on Thursday, April 18 -- it's the center spread of the Peach Section! Part of Epworth's Ad Council response to the decision made at the Special Session of General Conference was directing us to place a full page ad announcing clearly that all people are welcome at Epworth.The Ad states the following:

In response to the actions of the special session of General Conference of the United Methodist Church in St. Louis in February, Epworth Church would like to introduce ourselves anew to the metro Toledo area we love and have served since 1894.

Epworth values...

Open Hearts
Epworth takes seriously the pain inflicted upon people, especially harm inflicted by religious institutions, we seek to extend the healing hand of Christ to all and seek to be a safe place for those who have been marginalized.
Open Minds
Epworth includes diverse theological understandings and personal convictions believing all perspectives are to be valued and are necessary for our work of deepening faith.
Open Doors
Epworth embraces all of God’s children on a spiritual journey no matter one’s race, first language, age, sexual orientation, economic status, and the list goes on. At Epworth, we warmly welcome and include all. For us, ALL means ALL.


Find a PDF of the advertisement attached below.