Cub Scouting is designed for boys and girls from Kindergarten through the 5th grade. Our pack is an active group of great youth. The pack has outings and activities throughout the year such as camp outs, Mud Hens and Walleye games, nature hikes, service projects, and more! Pack 149 holds meetings monthly during the school year, usually on the third Wednesday of the month at Epworth Church. Within the pack, the Cub Scouts also belong to a den (by grade level); these dens meet an additional one or two times per month. Pack 149 loves to create hands on learning experiences for our scouts and to encourage them to try new adventures! The pack also helps to teach the Scouts important life lessons such as service to others and how to care for the world around them.
Cub Master: Erica Knuckles
Troop 2 has a rich history dating back to 1969. Their history includes over 80 Eagle Scouts! They have been recognized with the Baden Powell and Gold Level Quality Unit/Journey to Excellence awards. The troop is scout run, with guidance from the Scoutmasters and an involved troop committee. They are an adventure oriented troop, with outdoor activities, monthly campouts, summer camp opportunities, and more! Troop 2 meets at Epworth, 7 - 8:30pm Tuesday nights during the school year.
Rick Fuchs, Scoutmaster
The PRAY Series is centered on Christian Discipleship and Outreach. Young people read the Bible, learn about Jesus, engage in meaningful discussions with mentors, and participate in service projects for their church and community. The program is broken into 4 levels:
God & Me (1-3 grade)
God & Family (4-6 grade)
God & Church (6-8 grade)