We're glad you're here.

And we'd love for you to be a part of our church family!

When you're ready to learn more about us, join us for a one-time informal meeting called, Discover Exporth. Usually offered three times each year, gather with others who like you, have been part of Epworth’s worshiping congregation. You can expect to enjoy dinner and conversation with your pastors, and explore the possibility of membership in the church lobby. Those who attend Discover Epworth, and who decide to join, will be received into membership the following Sunday in worship. If the upcoming dates are in conflict with your family schedule, please contact us at info@epworth.com or contact us using the form below. 

Our next gathering will be different, and catered to the individuals preference, please contact us using the form below with questions or to find out more. 

Want to learn more or join our next Discover Epworth gathering? Contact us using the form below. Do you need childcare for this event? Let us know how many kids you'll be bringing, and their ages at least one week prior to the event using the form below.

Contact Us:

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