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Don't let our construction keep you away from your faith this season! We have plenty of parking! Navigation throughout the building will remain the same over the next 18 months. 

Friends in Faith Class

Sundays at 9:45am - Lower FLC Classroom
(Enter via gym (FLC) doors or Central Ave. doors, turn right & follow the hallway to the gym (FLC))
We can’t change the fact that we are getting older.  And indeed we may not want to.  Age bring many gifts---and opportunities for continued growth.  This six-week series entitled “Growing Older and Wiser” offers a biblical perspective on aging and demonstrates how powerfully God can use those who have grown wiser with the years.  Please join the conversation as we learn from each other.

Coffee and Conversation

Sundays at 9:45am - Volunteer Office (outside gym, in office suite, first floor)
Currently meeting, Meet in the volunteer office on Sunday morning for Bible studies and discussion about national and global topics through the lens of our faith. Upcoming studies include a video-based series “How Jesus Became God” by professor and author Bart D. Ehrman. No advance preparation required. Come as you are.

Adult Bible Study

Sundays 9:45am - Chapel (just off the lobby, across from the Sanctuary, main floor)
We can’t change the fact that we are getting older.  And indeed we may not want to.  Age bring many gifts---and opportunities for continued growth.  This six-week series entitled “Growing Older and Wiser” offers a biblical perspective on aging and demonstrates how powerfully God can use those who have grown wiser with the years.  Please join the conversation as we learn from each other.

Sermon Notes

Sundays 11am - Chapel (just off the lobby, across from the Sanctuary, main floor)
Currently Meeting, Discuss the message in the Sunday sermon as well as explore timely Bible studies, including “Defying Gravity” and “The Shack”.


Men’s Bible Study

Wednesdays 6:30-8pm - Chapel 
(just off the lobby, across from the Sanctuary, main floor)
Start date: September 6, The Case For Christ (6 weeks). Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Skeptics dismiss the Jesus of the Gospels by claiming there is no evidence in the case for Christ. Lee Strobel disagrees. The former legal journalist and one-time atheist knows how to ask tough questions. His own search for truth about Jesus led him from atheism to faith in Christ. You are invited to investigate the truth about Jesus Christ $10 participation guide. to register.

Women’s Tuesday Bible Study

Tuesdays 9:15am - Lower FLC Classroom 
(Enter via gym (FLC) doors or Central Ave. doors, turn right & follow the hallway to the gym (FLC))
Start date: September 12, Explore how David's life proves this promise to be true in A Heart Like His: Seeking the Heart of God through a Study of David (11 weeks). In this examination of the “man after God's own heart,” David will delight and disappoint you. Though David lived thousands of years ago, he dealt with issues that we still face today. Each Tuesday is a stand-alone lesson, so join us when you can!

Additional Bible Studies are offered! Visit throughout the year for more details on opportunities such as an All-Church Lenten Study. Questions? Ask Pastor Beth using the contact form below.

Contact Pastor Beth:

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